I.T. Repair GURUS

Providing professional Computer and device repair in Berkshire

I.T. Repair Gurus is a local electronics repair shop specialising in computer, smartphone, and tablet repairs and CCTV. With the emergence of new competitors in the same town, I.T. Repair Gurus sought to refresh their brand and enhance their marketing efforts to maintain their market position and attract new customers. They turned to Tony Parsons Design and Marketing for comprehensive support in revitalising their brand and creating effective marketing campaigns.

IT Repair Gurus Thatcham Who designed the windows?

The I.T. Repair Gurus

Transforming and refreshing the Brand in a competitive market.


Tony Parsons Design and Marketing was engaged to provide a full suite of branding and marketing services for I.T. Repair Gurus.

Solutions used include:

  • Branding and Logo Design
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Advertising
  • Leaflets and Mailers
  • Posters
  • Social Media Advertising Campaigns
IT Repair Gurus
IT Repair Gurus After
IT Repair Windows planPlan



Objective: Revitalise the brand identity of I.T. Repair Gurus to make it more modern, appealing, and distinguishable from new competitors.


  • Conducted a brand audit to identify areas for improvement.
  • Redesigned new logo elements to reflect a contemporary and professional image, incorporating elements that symbolise technology and repair services.
  • Developed a new colour palette and typography that aligns with the updated brand image.
  • Created new window graphics and display screens to advertise services and engage with potential customers on foot or driving past shop.

Result: The refreshed branding helped I.T. Repair Gurus stand out in a crowded market, enhancing their professional image and appeal to customers.

Marketing Strategies:

Objective: Develop and implement marketing strategies to strengthen the brand’s presence and attract new customers.


  • Conducted market research to understand the competitive landscape and target audience.
  • Developed a multi-faceted marketing plan focusing on both online and offline channels.

Result: The strategic marketing efforts increased customer engagement and retention, positioning I.T. Repair Gurus as the go-to repair service in the area.


Objective: Create and execute advertising campaigns to raise awareness and drive traffic to the shop.


  • Designed impactful advertisements for local newspapers, magazines, and online platforms.
  • Utilised geo-targeting to ensure ads reached potential customers within the service area.

Result: The advertising campaigns significantly boosted local visibility and brought in a steady stream of new customers.

Social Media Advertising Campaigns:

Objective: Leverage social media platforms to reach a broader audience both business and home users and engage with the local community.


  • Created targeted social media campaigns on platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Produced engaging content, for Sales, Business to business, and promotions.

Result: The social media campaigns significantly expanded the online presence of I.T. Repair Gurus, driving more traffic to their website and increasing shop visits.


Through a comprehensive brand refresh and strategic marketing initiatives, Tony Parsons Design and Marketing successfully helped I.T. Repair Gurus navigate increased competition and solidify their position in the local market. The revitalised branding and targeted marketing efforts not only enhanced the shop’s image but also drove customer engagement and business growth. I.T. Repair Gurus now enjoys a stronger market presence and continues to thrive despite the influx of new competitors.