Amenity Technology
The name Amtech / Amenity Technolgy has been known worldwide within the golfing and sporting arenas since the early 1990s. Supplying Golf Course equipment and specialist feeds.

Company Rebrand
The bold new branding was revolutionary in the industry and led to brilliant results
Amtech needed a re-brand to boast that it can supply both the course and the driving range with the high-quality products needed to provide a pleasant and enjoyable golfing experience for the consumer.

We created the new structured branding and sub-brand elements that allowed people to select product types more easily. We created quality catalogues, marketing tools and a website covering both lawn care and equipment and product packaging. Packaging was not longer an A4 sticker on the side of the bag, for example, the fertiliser sacks had easy to read labels when stacked in storage.
We helped to increase sales with incentive programmes to the target database. The strong branding made the market leader look insignificant so they bought out this company as it had such an impact and market share.
Solutions used include:
- Branding
- Catalogue Design
- Advertising
- Direct Mail
- Website
- Sales Incentives
- Packaging
- Exhibition and Pull Up banners